In 1960, internet was created by some of the visionary thinking by people because they saw it is a great potential value in allowing computer to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields.
The internet then had been known as ARPANET in where it was brought online in 1969 under the contract by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). When the internet is started to introduced, almost of all the user is coming from computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians background. While, there are no user from home or office personal computer. Furthermore, to those people at that time who know how to use the internet can be categorized as the people who are very knowledable.
As mention earlier, the early Internet was used by computer experts, engineers, scientists, and librarians. There was nothing friendly about it. There were no home or office personal computers in those days, and anyone who used it, whether a computer professional or an engineer or scientist or librarian, had to learn to use a very complex system.

Who was the first person started to use the internet?

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Charley Kline in Oct 29, 1969
Dr. Charles Kline is a consultant on Internet technologies, network security, software patents and business strategies. He is also an 'angel' investor and advisor for startup companies.
As a graduate student at UCLA, Charles ('Charley') Kline worked with Steve Crocker, Vint Cerf, Jon Postel and Len Kleinrock on the development of the ARPANET and Internet. In September of 1969, he sent test transmissions between the computer at UCLA and the first Interface Message Processor (IMP) in order to develop the earliest protocols. On October 29, 1969, Charley attempted to remotely access the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) computer and managed to send the first letters of the word 'LOGIN' before the computer at SRI crashed. Later that day, he was able to successfully login to the SRI computer. At that moment, computer networking changed from a concept into a reality!
Charley continued his research at UCLA and received a Ph.D. for his pioneering works on computer system security, network security and encryption protocols. He remained at UCLA and led research efforts into the fundamental concepts of distributed computing.
Charley left UCLA to form Locus Computing Corporation, one of the largest Unix and open systems companies. Locus developed the AIX operating system for IBM as well as the first PC networks. After Locus, Charley has been involved with several startup companies. More recently, Charley was a senior technologist and product line manager at Cisco Systems.
Advantages and Disadvantages of using internet
1.Email- is an online correspondence system. By using email, we are able to receive and send many document by electronic. For example, we can sent an email to inform the whole class that the cancellation of class. By adding a number of recipients in our email contacts, we now can send one document to the whole class member. So it can make our work become more easy. Furthermore, email is free compared to the use of telephone calls or short-message-services (SMS) services.
2. Online shopping- Nowadays, internet is a very effective way to buy and sell products without boundaries. There are many online stores that allow customers to use their credit card to buy whatever they want without step out from their house. This business to customer (B2B) services had delight the household which enable them to do all shopping experience from the web. In this case, Amazon. com and E-Bay are the most popular online stores.

Besides that, another type of online shopping is customer to customer (C2C). Here, a consumer can buy products from retailers or suppliers, and then sell it to another consumer. While, there is also consumers who put their personal items on the website for another consumer to buy it from them. One of the most visited online stores in Malaysia is

1. Spamming- It refer to the activities that sending unsolicited e-mail in bulk, which serve no propose and unnecessarily clog up to the entire system.
2.Personal information- For example, when we are using credit card for online services purpose, these information is exposed to the danger. Our name, credit card number, addresses and other information may be theft by the other person.
As a conclusion, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we use it in the right way, it will benefits us. In contrast, when we use it for illegally, it will harm us.
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